This Copper foil, Paper/Polypropylene/Oil cap yields a natural sound. Warmer/richer than plastic caps. Not "just darker" like some cheap oil filled.... or polyester... Detail and transparency that is real, not pseudo qualities like those found in so many caps today.
Note that Sonic Craft claims no, nor offers any, warranty for this product. Any warranty offered by Miflex would be handled by them directly, and apparently at their sole discretion.
Check the dimensions because these caps are not small. This is a radial lead capacitor. The leads are twisted pairs of 20ga solid Copper. This twisted pair would require a through hole (via) larger than 0.065" (1.65mm). Short lead is on the "stripe side" which indicates shield, and exceeds 2" in length. Tolerance is better than 5%, Dissipation Factor is better than 0.0035% at 1kHz. 600VDC Dimensions: 3.40" diameter by 2.75" in length.
Priced and sold individually
Our precision matching applies to "pairs". You may request a larger matched group, but it may not be possible. NOTE: capacitors and precision matching are priced
and sold individually ("each"). Occasionally, we can not find a matched pair. If this is the case, Customer Service will contact you. We offer three levels of pair matching: L1-factory tolerance 1% matching; L2-1/2 factory tolerance 1% matching; L3-1/4 factory tolerance 1/2% matching.
Available Options:
Precision Matching: